What is the relationship of Stockcentral to BI (NAIC)? Any?
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 561
STOCKcentral.com is owned by ICLUBcentral, the company that provides software to NAIC and also published the Investor Advisory Service. The connection to NAIC is that ICLUBcentral has a business relationship with NAIC.
STOCKcentral.com is a product of ICLUBcentral. STOCKcentral is not affiliated in any way with NAIC. However you will notice that STOCKcentral.com has a strong affinity for the NAIC/BetterInvesting philosophy.
STOCKcentral is intended to be a place where like-minded investors can come together, share ideas, help support and educate one another, etc. Since ICLUBcentral also make much of the software that NAIC/BetterInvesting members use, it won't be a stretch to suppose that this can also become a place where users of that software can help one another (official help from ICLUBcentral for the software should still be done by contacting ICLUBcentral support).
STOCKcentral will also include a data service that can be used with all of ICLUBcentral's software products. This is a similar -- but different -- data service than BetterInvesting's Stock Data Service.
We'll also be developing features and tools that work with ICLUBcentral's software.
You'll also notice that there are forums in the Investing section for Manifest Investing and for Stockfundas. Those are companies that have compatible investing philosophies, have tools and products to offer. They have also formed a business relationship with ICLUBcentral and STOCKcentral. You should see more of them here. Hopefully, you will also see other companies here as this service grows.
If that's not a sufficient explanation, please let us know what else you need to know! |
Joe |
A very thorough reply, indeed, Joe! Thank you!
Can you explain the differences in data- both source and breadth between what I download into Toolkit and what I get here
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 561
> Can you explain the differences in data- both source and breadth between what I download into Toolkit and what I get here
I assume that you have Toolkit configured to download SSG files from the BetterInvesting site. If so, your data comes from S&P Compustat.
The data here comes from Hemscott Data (hemscottdata.com). They also have a nice financial news and information website at hemscott.com. And, you can configure Toolkit to download SSG files from this site, too.
Basically, the two companies (S&P and Hemscott) supply historical financial data. The main difference that you will see is in the normalization of the EPS data. Read our FAQ for some information about that. If you still have questions, please ask them! |
Joe |
Given the sometimes very large differences between S&P and StockCentral data, it seems necessary to redo all my SSGs that were originally sourced from the BI data feed because when I asked TK5 to update data, a message appeared warning me that some data appeared to have changed significantly and suggested restatements, etc.
Any guidance on this?
Keith Hoile
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 561
Keith, Could you give us a couple of ticker symbols that we can look at? |
Joe |
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 71
From Gene Rooks:
Gene Rooks
Gotha, FL (W. of Orlando)
12/05/2007 12:50 PM
Keith, there are sometimes differences between the two data sources, as one normalizes some items differently from another. I just accept the data change when updating, and then review my judgments. Gene Rooks, SWIM, Orlando
Gene Rooks, Director
Space Coast Chapter Accounting Instructor
Thanks, Gene, for your advice. That makes sense.
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 126
Hi Keith,
For more details, please check out the StockCentral FAQ (available from the home tab), specifically the section titled "What are the differences in data available from Value Line, BI's Standard and Poors Stock Data Service, and StockCentral (ICLUBcentral)?". We also have information about the recent changes to our normalization process available at iclub.com here.
If you have any questions that aren't outlined in the FAQ or the normalization info, please ask away here in the forums! Thanks!
Thank you, Dave. I will take a look at those places you recommended.
Keith Hoile
Perhaps I missed something in Joe's response:
If I look at a product like Stock Analyst 3 on the StockCentral site, it is priced at $199. If I click on the "buy" button I am taken to a Better Investing order screen and the price has jumped to $249....which I'm sure goes back down to $199 if I log in to the Better Investing site (which I need a $25 membership to do).
So what is the relationship again between StockCentral (maker of the software) and BI who we apparently need to order the product through ?
Thanks in advance. -Dave.
Rank: Advanced Member
Posts: 561
I'm not sure which response you refer to, but ...
StockCentral is owned by ICLUBcentral which also makes software. Some of their software is sold through BetterInvesting. Hence the confusion.
The BetterInvesting website used to divulge the member AND the non-member price. I always thought that was a bit of incentive to join, particularly if you could lower your cash outlay if you were buying a product. There is now a green note on the side that says that you can save "up to" $50 on software. So, that would take the price from $249 down to $199!
I hope this explanation helps. |
Joe |
Thank you for your prompt reply Joe,
I just composed a reply to you, but it looks as though the submit button let me down.
My question should have been: When I click on the "Purchase" button on the StockCentral site, why am I spirited away to a Better Investing purchasing portal ? Seems that if StockCentral product the software, I should be able to buy it right here.
I do have a BI membership, but I recently experieced some extremely poor Cusomer Service on their part and am not disposed to doing any further business with them if I can help it. Having sampled what kind of outfit they apparently are, I am considering severing all ties, but if there is some necessary link between them and the software I am considering purchasing, I may have to rethink my religious indignation and inherent urge to vote my opinion with my feet.
Sincere regards, -Dave.
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