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#1 Posted : Friday, February 3, 2012 4:30:01 AM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Posts: 146



And What Your Club Can Do With Those Six Extra Weeks

It’s been a mild winter for many. Here in The D, where your Gazette reporter is based, we saw 60 degrees and sunshine on the last day of January. Unheard of around these parts!

Iowa experienced the same mild weather Wednesday, and rumor has it that the daffodils are already in bloom in Mississippi!

What does it all mean? Well, to Punxsutawney Phil, not much. That famous, stubborn little rodent says we’re in for six more weeks of winter. That’s his view on the matter, and he’s sticking to it.

But six more weeks of winter isn’t all bad. There’s a lot that can be accomplished before the first robin appears. In fact, it’s the perfect length of time for your club to dig in and learn something new. Why not pick an educational topic at your next club meeting and see if your club can master it by the time ‘ol Phil shouts, Spring is here!

On to more of this week’s headlines…

More Reports in the Works

Speaking of views … Here’s a hot-off-the-presses update from StockCentral founder Doug Gerlach on the release of the latest Portfolio Review Report:

“We've added a new report (what we call a view) to the StockCentral Portfolio Tracker beta application. This replicates the Portfolio Review (PERT) Report that is used in Toolkit 6 and www.myiclub.com, and is intended to give you a bit of a forward-looking view of the fundamental performance of the stocks in your portfolio.

“We have a couple more views in the works to be added to this tool. As the tool is officially in the 'beta test' stage, we're looking for feedback, so now's the chance to chime in with your suggestions.”

Have a suggestion? Don’t be shy! Stop in to The Toolshed today and tell us what’s on your mind!

SC Announces More Than a Dozen in Draft and Final Status

This is just the news many of you are looking for. As of last week, Club Tax Printers have been released for several more states. Current status:

FINAL: State Forms for AZ, CA, CO, GA, IA, MA, MN, MO, NJ

DRAFT: State Forms for IN, MD, NY, PA, WI

For the latest updates on form status for your state, be sure to check ICLUBcentral.

Never Fear, StockCentral Is Here!

Yes, yes, yes. Your Gazette reporter is afraid it’s that time of year again, when Uncle Sam will soon have his hand out. But this year, as with every year, you and your club (especially the treasurer) will exhale huge sighs of relief once this annual task is behind you.

StockCentral is always here to help, and on that note, here are some excellent tips from Sean Pulrang, a member of ICLUBcentral’s outstanding Support Staff:

With folks getting started on their taxes, I think it's a good time to bring this note back around. It deals with some of the most common issues when trying to print your tax forms in the desktop accounting program.

This note will help with the following issues that primarily come up after you get to the end of the tax printer, and click FINISH:

  • The tax forms that come up are for last year.
  • You see a 'file not found', or a 'Serious Error' message
  • Something comes up on the screen that says it's your tax forms, but in the words of one member, 'It's gibberish.'
I've sorted these roughly in order of the most to least common issues/resolutions that we run into.

If you are using Widows Vista, or Windows 7, and a message comes up that the file cannot be found, or you notice that the forms are from last year, make sure to first take the steps below, on setting your copy of club accounting to run as an administrator, and then try running the tax printer again.

Club Accounting may not have Admin rights. (NOTE: This only applies to Windows Vista and Windows 7.)
  1. With Club Accounting closed, click the WINDOWS button in the lower left corner of your screen.

Note: If you have 64-bit windows, the path will be COMPUTER > C:\ > PROGRAM FILES (x86)> ICLUBcentral > CLUB ACCOUNTING 3.
  1. Once inside the Club Accounting 3 folder, right-click on the Club Accounting 3 program icon (it will have the same green visor on a yellow and blue back ground as the shortcut that appears on the desktop or Start menu), then click PROPERTIES.
  2. On the properties window, click the COMPATIBILITY tab.
  4. Click APPLY, then OK.
* If you have the User Account Control (also called UAC) active, Windows will now ask you to Cancel or Allow the program when you open it. Click ALLOW to let the program run as normal.

If you get a Serious Error message, or click Finish, and don't see the forms come up after a few seconds:

Adobe Acrobat may already be open.
  1. Exit out of the Tax Printer.
  2. Exit out of Club Accounting.
  3. Check the list of open programs on the Start bar at the bottom of the computer screen; if Abode is there, confirm if it is showing the tax forms you want. (If Adobe is not showing up, it may not be set to open the .pdf files the tax printer generates. In that case, please see the steps below on setting your computer to open .pdf files.)
  4. If these are not the correct forms, close Adobe Acrobat, then reopen Club Accounting and the Tax Printer to generate your taxes.
If you've clicked FINISH, and get a 'file not found', or the aforementioned Gibberish, the computer may not be set to open .pdf files with Adobe Acrobat:
  1. First, you will need to find a copy of the tax forms. Depending on your copy of Windows, the forms will be in either "C:\Program Files\ICLUBcentral\Club Accounting 3" OR "C:\Program Files(x86)\ICLUBcentral\Club Accounting 3." The taxes will be named final -OR- final.pdf. (If you do not see a file named final, the tax printer may not have generated the taxes; if that is the case, please see the steps below on reinstalling the tax printer.)
  2. Once you have found one of the tax files, right-click on it, and select Properties.
  3. From the window that comes up, click the CHANGE button next to the 'Opens With' line.
  4. This will open a new window, with a list of programs. You should be able to double-click on the listing for Adobe Acrobat, or Acrobat Reader. If not, try clicking Browse, then going to Adobe -> Reader -> Reader8 (or whatever most current number shows up) -> Reader -> AcroRd32. When you double-click on this last file, you will return to the list of common programs, and adobe should now be listed.
  5. Double-click on Adobe to set the association, and open the forms. You can now either print the forms as they are, or close everything and run the taxes again. (If you are not able to find the Adobe Acrobat folder, or to navigate to the AcroRd32 file, the Reader program may not be properly installed. In that case, please see the steps below on cleaning out any old copies of Adobe Reader, and installing a fresh copy from the Adobe site.)
The software can't find Adobe Acrobat to print the tax forms:
  1. 1. Go to START -> CONTROL PANEL -> Add or Remove Programs. Find any and all instances of Adobe Acrobat and uninstall them. (In Vista and Windows 7, START -> CONTROL PANEL -> Programs and Features.)
  2. 1. Go to www.adobe.com and reinstall Adobe Acrobat.
Try generating the taxes again.

The Tax Printer and the Club Accounting Software can't see one another. Reinstall.
  1. Open Club Accounting 3, select FILE > EXPORT and save your data to MY DOCUMENTS.
  2. Uninstall the Tax Printer.
  3. Uninstall Club Accounting.
  4. Reboot your computer.
  5. Install Club Accounting from http://www.iclub.com/support/downloads.asp.
  6. Install the Tax Printer from http://www.iclub.com/support/downloads.asp.
  7. Import your data, run your taxes.
Still have questions? The ICLUBcentral Support Staff is all ears. Visit The Toolshed to post your question or to check to see if perhaps one of your cohorts already has — and the answer awaits you. Great minds do, after all, think alike.


“A good lesson in keeping your perspective is:
Take your job seriously but don’t take yourself seriously.”
Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill, American Politician


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