This is one that I've seen an increase in lately; I suspect that with the market down, some clubs are coming back and picking up stocks with good fundamentals that are experiencing a drop in price. What they're finding when they do is that the valuation statement is showing an older First Purchase date on the valuation. Here's how to get the newer re-purchase date to show up:
Go to Accounting > Utilities > Update Club Settings.
From here, change the Include Earlier Ownership radio button to NO, and then click the CHANGE button. As long as the stock was previously sold off and had zero shares and zero cost, the system will now reflect the new purchase date instead of the original one.
For Desktop Club Accounting 3:
Go to Tools > Settings.
From here, put a check-mark in the Include Earlier Ownership box, and then click the OK button. As long as the stock was previously sold off and had zero shares and zero cost, the system will now reflect the new purchase date instead of the original one.
Also, if you're not already using it, take a look at the Companies on Sale pre-defined screen through the Stockcentral Screener for some possible good deals.