Okay - so this is becoming very frustrating...
I've already written - and posted - this twice - it's been lost before. This is at least the 2nd post that I've written, submitted, and has not shown up on the site...
Trying to post an image here - of the kids at Lake Michigan - Alexa, 5 and Will, 2.
Using Firefox...
Hitting the 'insert image from gallery' icon - last time - brought up a new window with the forums listed. This time it brought up another page with the 'post a message' window. Neither brought up a link to a gallery or any way to upload photos.
This is from my site:

The 'insert link' doesn't work either - it did nothing this time - the first time, it put in the wrong html. I've had to hit the HTML page, and then insert my own HTML for the link to show inline.
This is unworkable for most, so we need to figure out what's going on here, or images will not be able to be posted.
Someone else should take a shot, and see if it's a Firefox issue, or a forum issue!