29 APRIL 2010
Greenspan was Adviser to Paulson & Co.
SC Member Danny Matthews calls them "Interesting Bedfellows." That's his take on a report that former Federal Reserve chairman Alan D. Greenspan was hired by hedge fund Paulson & Company — named a key player in the recent Goldman Sachs fallout — as an adviser in January 2008.
What's your take on the Goldman Sachs fiasco? To view Danny's post and the link to this report and to post your own thoughts — or rants, as the case may be — check out the Goldman Sachs Forum on StockCentral.
On to this week's headlines . . .
Clubs and Individuals Vie for Expert Portfolio Review
Have you or your investment club ever wished for a wee bit of professional portfolio advice? The call from your club could be answered at the 2010 BetterInvesting National Convention (BINC) in St. Louis, June 10-13.
Expert portfolio manager Scott D. Horsburgh, CFA, President of Seger-Elvekrog, Inc., and co-manager of the Investor Advisory Service, will select two individual and/or club portfolios from amongst all submissions for review at BINC 2010.
He'll be making his selections based on the following criteria:
* The make-up. Scott is looking for portfolios made up almost entirely of stocks, vs. mutual funds or bonds
* The narrative about the investor's or club's history and the challenges it asks him to address
* The general interest of the portfolio. For example, he will choose a diversified portfolio with small and mid-sized stocks over one that consists entirely of large companies
All submissions must include information about the club or individual (a little history, how you operate, etc.) and the challenges you would like Scott to address. Include a copy of your portfolio as well as a contact name, phone number and email address, and send your submission to info@seger-elvekrog.com no later than May 10, 2010.
Scott, a frequent contributor to BetterInvesting Magazine’s "Repair Shop" column, has oft been quoted by The Baltimore Sun, The Detroit Free Press, The Detroit News, and The Oakland Press.
Don't miss this great opportunity to have your club or individual portfolio reviewed by an expert! But you dare not dawdle! The May 10 deadline for submissions is just around the corner.
Should your portfolio not be among those that Scott selects, don't lose heart. Your most inquisitive reporter has learned that attendees will have the opportunity to listen to Josh Peters, CFA, Editor of Morningstar DividendInvestor.
What's more, his book, The Ultimate Dividend Playbook, promises to help investors "frame an approach — emotional as much as intellectual or financial — and assemble a portfolio of well-chosen, dividend-rich stocks that can deliver the income and growth you seek." There's a whisper of news in the air that attendees may find this book in their registration bag.
What's that? You haven't yet registered for BINC 2010? What are you waiting for? Hotel reservations must be made by May 17 in order to snag the low convention rate of $135. Get to the BINC 2010 website and get 'er done!
Sign Up Today for Interactive Toolkit Webinar
Wanna learn how to get the most out of your Toolkit 6 software? Got some tips to share with fellow users? Bring 'em to the Toolkit 6 User Group the first Tuesday of every month.
Join ICLUBcentral's Doug Gerlach and fellow SC members in this live, interactive session. Sign up now for the next Toolkit 6 Webinar, Tuesday, May 4, from 9 – 10:15 p.m. Eastern Time. It's free — and you need only register once for all upcoming sessions!
"I am saddened and humbled by what happened in the market in 2007 and 2008. . . . But I believe my conduct was proper."
— Fabrice Tourre, 31-year-old Goldman trader who was the only individual named in the SEC suit.