Hi everyone,
I just joined Stock Central a couple of days ago and I've been playing around with Toolkit 6 as well as some of the online features--data and tools. I'm trying to get a feel for the data as well as the data integrity. Regarding the online features I pulled up a Company Report (Tab "data/Company") for Abbot Labs (ABT). Within the report there is quarterly and 9 years of historical data. One of the historical lines is Cash flow per share. I cannot figure out where those figures come from. For example, the 2008 number is $4.35. If I multiple that number by the shares of 1560.8, I get a cash flow of $6789.48. I thought it would be Free Cash Flow, but its not. It's not operating cash flow ($7344), or Morningstar's definition of free cash flow (after Cap ex) ($6056.5), or the standard free cash flow definition which further subtracts dividends paid ($3882). I noticed in the online ratio analyzer help info that the latter is what is used for cash flow/share. I'm thinking that perhaps the data is scrubbed as I see that EPS on the page is normalized diluted and differs from what shows up in the 10 year data on Morningstar. (2008 has discontinued operations). However, if I look at 2007's data, I can't tie out cash flow per share there either.
I need to resolve this as I feel cash flow is one of the most critical data points as it comes into play when you construct a DCF analysis for valuation purposes and is also important for looking at payout ratios (% of cash flow, instead of % of earnings), for companies with a lot of non-cash charges, or high cap ex requirements.
Regarding data integrity, when I pulled in Philip Morris International data into Toolkit 6, I noticed that the quarterly revenues were messed up. Some quarters had the excise taxes in the revenue numbers (the way PM reports it) and some quarters had the excise taxes removed. That is a huge difference as the taxes can be $10 billion a quarter. (I used the subscribed data-option 3 for "Begin a New Stock Study" on the home page. I have Stock Central setup as my source in preferences. I believe it pulls from Morningstar. Is that correct?)
I am wondering how much data checking and scrubbing I will have to do if I use this website and Toolkit 6. If I can't trust the data "as is", I'm not sure what the benefit will be time-wise in doing my analyses.
Thank you,