The Only Thing That's Certain Is . . . Uncertainty
The steady, quite exhilarating upward climb of the DJIA in recent days is further proof of what your insightful reporter has known for a long time — that the only thing predictable about the stock market . . . is, well, its unpredictability. As of this writing, the DJIA is flirting with its sixth straight day of gains, despite naysayers' predictions that the market was headed for a tumble.
Though she knows there is no sure answer short of a fully functioning crystal ball, your reporter's insatiable curiosity begs the question: What will the market bring us in the upcoming days, weeks, and months? Only the ever-so-clear 20/20 hindsight can bring us that answer . . .
On to this week's headlines . . .
Gerlach Declares No Topic Off-Limits!
As the DJIA registered triple-digit gains, popular financial websites quickly began posting stories with titles such as: How to Invest $10,000, How to Build a Portfolio, and the like. While investor wannabes are scrambling to get into the market, SC Members are, as usual, ahead of the curve.
Those with questions know not only that StockCentral is the place to turn, but also that there is always yet another reason — like the New Investment Club Orientation Webinar — just around the corner. Riding on the coattails of the overwhelmingly popular Toolkit 6 User Group comes a brand-new webinar for investment club wannabes, newbies, or just-have-a-question-bes.
The webinar is geared toward both new and experienced investment club members. Attendees will enjoy interactive Q&A sessions with ICLUBcentral's very own Doug Gerlach, as well as a variety of other club experts. In an exclusive interview with Mssr. Gerlach, your well-connected reporter has learned that no topic about starting or running a club is off-limits!
Indeed, the monthly webinar will be a prime opportunity to pose your questions to club expert Gerlach, who anticipates covering these topics:
- Getting an Investment Club Up and Running
- Club Accounting
- Running a Meeting
- Tax Preparation
- Coping with Problem Members
- Successful Investing Strategies
. . . as well as questions relating to any and all other aspects of club operations.
The New Investment Club Orientation kicks off Tuesday, November 17, at 9 p.m. sharp (Eastern Time Zone). This monthly webinar will be held the third Tuesday of each month, and, as with the well-received Toolkit 6 Users Group, you need only register once. What are you waiting for?

SC Members Seek "Real Deal"
Your reporter trusts you already know that the StockCentral Learning Library is the place to go to learn everything from how to compare and contrast various stock data resources to how to analyze a bank stock or conduct an annual investment club audit. But did you know that it's also the place to go if you'd like to invite SC Founder Doug Gerlach to speak at your event? Though some SC members can be appeased by attending webinars, others long to see Guru Gerlach in person. If you and your group find yourselves in the latter category, be sure to share your sentiments and log your request. Who knows? The next knock at your door could be Mssr. Gerlach himself!
For those SC members who wish to see Doug on a more immediate basis, there's still time, though your reporter would be remiss if she didn't mention that the sand is slipping through the hourglass rather quickly. As he wraps up his autumn cross-country tour, two golden opportunities remain:
- Nov. 12-14: The AAII Investor Conference in Orlando
- Nov. 21: Puget Sound Investors Education Conference
SC Members Contemplate Next Moves
While short-term, fair-weather investors clamor to get into the market as it climbs, their wiser, long-term counterparts are contemplating their next moves. Indeed, for SC investors, investing in the current market is something akin to being a kid in an old-fashioned candy store — pretty bins filled with tempting treats at bargain prices abound. Among the stock discussions taking place right now:
On the HCC Insurance Holdings, Inc. forum: "I'm very close to buying this," writes Robert Booker, who also posted his SSG. "Anyone else watching this?"
On Kinetic Concepts, Inc.: "What's your take on KCI?" SC Member Robert Branson queries, adding, "Our club owns KCI and is thinking it may be ready to dispose of and replace it with something else."
On Cardinal Health: "Wondering if anybody knows the tax-related distribution numbers for the spin off of CareFusion?" writes SC Member Donald Maurer.
Whether you've got questions, answers, or some of each, be sure to drop in on the SC Forums. Your like-minded investor counterparts anxiously await your astute input.
"We bear a special responsibility for trying to make sure that we are implementing policies in the United States that will sustain confidence for investors around the world."
U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner