Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

After a brief hiatus, the StockCentral Gazette returns as your first source for StockCentral news and feature updates, as well as topics ranging throughout the entire fundamental investing world. And, if that and the recent turbulence in the financial markets isn't enough to turn your head, the Gazette is not only back, but with new blood. Alas, and quite sadly, indeed, the previous reporter -- spotted on the floor of the NYSE, madly trying to hock the last shares of his AIG stock, and not seen since -- has left his quill to an eager new reporter who's got a style (and a mind) all her own.
This reporter is just a cub herself, and as such is eager to divulge that, as the newly self-proclaimed official Gazette Reporter, she is privy to all StockCentral scuttlebutt. She's learned that there is a lot more to a StockCentral subscription than discounts and datafeeds. Not that those widely favored features are anything to sneeze at, mind you. But if you're longing for something more -- say, to take part in the banter of fundamental investors across the globe -- you've come to the right place.
Have you caught yourself wondering what could be the latest discussion in the forums? To know which thread topics are hot? Or, the skinny on the new StockCentralfeatures? Wonder no more. We'll keep you in the loop, so you can get the most out of your subscription.
Check it out! And don't be a muggle! While you're at it, tell a friend! Just think of the words of praise and thanksgiving he or she will heap upon you!
Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch? Certainly not ICLUBcentral prez Doug Gerlach, who's at the helm and leading StockCentral during an ongoing series of free -- yes, you heard it here first -- we said free online webinars. What's more, Doug will be available after each session to answer questions from the audience. Consider it an open invitation to investigate Toolkit 6, offer your point of view, and stubbornly insist that you know better by commenting and uploading your own stock analyses.
And don't dare tarry! Register today (and don't forget to spread the word to your cohorts so they can join you in Cyberspace)!
In case you missed out on the first two, this reporter, as she solemnly vowed, has got you covered. These previous webinars will soon be available for you to view at your leisure. Check the Learning tab of ICLUB.com for updates.
- October 1: Introducing Toolkit 6
- October 14: Getting the Most from StockCentral

The leaves, which have already turned bright hues of golds, reds, and purples across these parts, are scattered across the fair lawns and crowded sidewalks of Harvard Square, crunching under the shoes of busy passersby. It won't be long before Old Man Winter has us in his icy grips and the voices of neighbors calling to one another and the contagious laughter of children engaged in a game of Tag will be silenced til Spring.
No matter. This Winter, savvy, like-minded investors everywhere will be able to join in on the StockCentral community -- whether it be from the sunny beaches of California or the frozen tundra of the Midwest -- via some of the latest and greatest features of Toolkit 6. Upload your stock studies to the StockCentral message boards and discuss your findings with fellow investors. Or, check out the repository of Stock Selection Guides from other investors who share your philosophy. And remember, Neither rain, Nor sleet, Nor gloom of night…Nor short-term investors' panic and flight…can separate long-term investors from their worthy goals.
So, grab a cup of hot cocoa or -- if you're so inclined, a lounge chair by the pool (this reporter, incidentally, is not too proud to admit that she would be most receptive to entertaining any invitation to escape Jack Frost's frigid clutch this season) -- and join the community!

If, in the past few weeks, you traded your quest for quality stocks in on a desperate search for an old, abandoned bomb shelter in which to weather the recent financial market turbulence, this reporter certainly wouldn't point any fingers of blame. She would dare to illuminate, au contraire, that while the stock market's equivalent of Chicken Little is proclaiming the end is upon us to all who will listen, there's another side to the story for intrepid long-term investors.
ICLUBcentral prez Doug Gerlach, who, as might be duly noted, has weathered many a stock market storm and come out on the other side riding the wave, offers sound advice on how to hang-ten. In fact, this reporter notes that Guru Gerlach's insights mirror those of stock market whiz and billionaire Warren Buffett (hmm…might there be some distant relation to investigate?). Glean some pearls of wisdom and snippets of sanity from his StockCentral blog.
"The stock market does some very silly things in the short-run. Over the long-run, it behaves quite rationally. And, you know, five years from now, ten years from now, we'll look back on this period and we'll see that you could have made some extraordinary buys."
-Warren Buffet