Hey Dave:
On 1-28, you wrote that Take Stock would display "the actual number even if negative."
I rechecked AMD: its initial EPS growth rate still shows as -14.1%, but now there is no "NaN" and no final EPS growth rate. Same for CY: still a -10.4% initial EPS growth rate, but now no "NaN" and no final EPS growth rate.
However, DIS still displays -5.55% as its final EPS rate (in red) and FORR still displays -5.46 as its final EPS growth rate (in red). Those two did not show "NaN".
I have two questions and one suggestion:
- It seems that Take Stock is making some distinction between a negative EPS growth rate that it continues to display (DIS & FORR) and a negative EPS growth rate that it now does not display (AMD & CY): could you explain that distinction and the reasons for it?
Another way of expressing this question is: what's the difference between a negative EPS growth rate (shown in red) and "NaN" (that used to be shown in red), and why ever make that distinction?
- I don't understand a negative EPS growth rate at all: is that a real-life concept, do companies actually grow earnings at less than zero percent over a five-year period?
- I suggest that Take Stock always display a final EPS growth rate in numbers, no matter if positive or negative.
ps: do you know that I cannot bold one word (like my underlining above); if I use bold, everything after in that sentence gets bolded.