October 8, 2008
A New Offer for ICLUBcentral and StockCentral Members
Buy Investment Account Manager 2.0 and Save!
Dear Investor,
All investors need to keep accurate records of their stock, bond, cash mutual fund transactions, not only to satisfy the Internal Revenue Service when it's time to report and pay capital gains taxes, but also to ensure that their portfolio returns are on track and that their holdings are sufficiently diversified.
And there's no better tool to track all of your investments and portfolios than Investment Account Manager 2.0 developed by QUANT IX Software. Investment Account Manager provides extensive investment tracking capabilities and tools to manage all of your investment portfolios.
Now, by special arrangement with QUANT IX, ICLUBcentral is pleased to offer Version 2.0 of Investment Account Manager for sale through the ICLUB.com web site at special savings for StockCentral members.
Investment Account Manager allows you to manage one or several portfolios with ease. The comprehensive features of Investment Account Manager will save you time, help you to avoid mistakes, and lead you towards better portfolio management decisions.
Packed with Reports and Features

Among the features available in Investment Account Manager 2.0 are the following:
- Comprehensive investment tracking features for a variety of asset types: Cash, money market funds, US Governments, agencies, tax-exempt bonds, corporate bonds, preferred stocks, mutual funds, exchange traded funds, common stocks, options, investment clubs and other investments.
- More than 40 professional reports summarizing your investments: current holdings, unrealized gains/losses, sold positions & realized gains/losses (tax filing), income received (tax filing), capital gain distributions, commissions paid, security allocation, portfolio diversification, portfolio cash flow projections, tax basis, performance measurements, asset maturity schedule, transactions ledger, and more.
- Combine multiple portfolios on a single report.
- Graph your portfolios' performance, income, asset allocation, diversification, and maturity schedule.
- Download stock data from StockCentral.com web site.
- Download your current balances and transaction activity from your financial institution (if available).
- Cross-reference by security name or portfolio objective.
- Import and export data from popular software applications including ICLUBcentral's popular investment software, Toolkit 6, as well as to and from spreadsheet and word processing programs.
- A Portfolio Setup Wizard provides step-by-step portfolio creation.
- Beginner and advanced user modes.
- A detailed online help system for answers and hints to learn the program.
- And much, much more!
Integration with StockCentral and Toolkit 6
Investment Account Manager features integration with StockCentral or Toolkit 6 to provide you up-to-date information about your holdings, making the program the perfect tool to add to your investing toolbox. Investment Account Manager seamlessly imports data from StockCentral, providing up to ten years of historical information for all U.S. companies (with data derived from Morningstar).
Download a Free 60-day Trial
I'm confident that you'll find Investment Account Manager 2.0 to be the best investment record keeping solution available, but don't take my word for it -- try it free for 60 days!
Download a free trial version and check out all the features for yourself!
Special Offers for StockCentral Members
Investment Account Manager is available for purchase at a regular price of $129.99.
However, StockCentral members can buy IAM for just $109.99, a $20 savings.
Or, for our best deal, purchase a one-year StockCentral subscription and Investment Account Manager together for the low price of $139.99, an overall savings of $30.
Call 1-877-33-ICLUB to order Investment Account Manager today, or visit the ICLUB.com Store to place your order online.
The developers of Investment Account Manager have been producing investment software solutions for computerized investors since 1985, and the latest release of the program shows a maturity and depth of features that will serve any investor's record keeping needs.
If you've ever wonder exactly how well your portfolio has performed for you, or if you've had to tediously comb your paper records to create reports for your personal tax return, then Investment Account Manager 2.0 is "must-own" software. Try it free for 60 days and you'll see why one user said, "Investment Account Manager is the best portfolio management software I have seen."
Best regards,
Doug Gerlach
President, ICLUBcentral Inc.