The proprietors are pleased to announce that StockCentral's data provider, Hemscott Americas, was recently acquired by the well-known purveyor of financial information, Morningstar, Inc.
This change has no impact whatsoever on any of the StockCentral tools or the data feed for Investor's Toolkit 5. The same high-quality, full decade's worth of historical financial company data, including fully-normalized earnings per share figures, will continue to be delivered to those astute investors who own a StockCentral subscription.
United States Patent No. 174,465, Mr. A. Graham Bell's device to replace the dots and dashes of Mr. Samuel Morse, has an important place in our society's ability to communicate with each other and inquire on vital matters ranging from restaurant reservations to the location of the pizza this reporter called over 30 minutes ago and has yet to arrive. "Can you hear me now" has become the latest catch-phrase, and truly, we do hear you on the new-fangled toll-free number much lauded in our web site.
We can also read you from anywhere in the world.
To celebrate, strategize, and build our team, ICLUBcentral will be partaking of a post tax-season retreat from May 12th through the 20th. We will be open for business, but only through our web-based inquiry system found at Taking a technical hokey-pokey step forwards and backwards at the same time, using the old-fangled method of reading, we remain your humble and obedient servants while we are corporeally elsewhere.
Early Adopters Provide Feedback
"It is my heart-warm and world-embracing…hope and aspiration that all of us, the high, the low, the rich, the poor, the admired, the despised, the loved, the hated, the civilized, the savage (every man and brother of us all throughout the whole earth), may eventually be gathered together in a heaven of everlasting rest and peace and bliss, except the inventor of the telephone."
-Mark Twain

Join this reporter in the StockCentral Classroom where many events are on the horizon. The month of May holds four workshops that will assist you with comparing SSGs for several large companies of interest. In addition to stock studies, please join us in the After Hours Book Forum with Sheryl Sostarich to discuss Trading to Win by Ari Kiev. As always, if you are holding an event you would like to add to the StockCentral calendar, the handler of would be more than happy to take your requests.
"Getting money is like digging with a needle;
spending it is like water soaking into sand."