I've finally figured out how to navigate to put this message here, so I'm deleting it from Danny Matthew's thread.
Joe, I'm still finding it hard to navigate through this contest. For example, I come to the home page of stock central, click on the community red tab.
http://www.stockcentral....y/tabid/143/Default.aspx .
I can't find the classroom forum from there. So I pick one thread (that I don't want to read) but is listed as a classroom forum thread, and THEN I get to a place where I can navigate around in the classroom. Hope this helps your web gurus improve navigation...
So then I thought I'd delete this message, and move it somewhere like infirmary or somewhere more for support, but when I clicked on ALL FORUMS, instead of getting the high level of the forums, I got stocks A-F or whatever. That was frustrating, and I'm leaving.
This happens to me a lot, i come, i get frustrated with the navigation, and I leave pretty quickly, though I'd like to stay around. I imagine navigation will be improving... I know web navigation is a challenge, so i'll be patient! This isn't meant as a criticism, just feedback. Didn't know where to move the message to.
Also, will you or Mark R. be posting each player's dashboard, as Danny did, so we can see their results?
thanks, Etana

uggh. So my returns and double spacing paragraphs doesn't take. That makes an ugly message. I put spaces and a period to see if that would separate the paragraphs.
... But it didn't work; I'm on a Mac in Safari. I couldn't separate the paragraphs. sorry for the run on thoughts. I tried...
I have found that if I click on Active Topics, I get to an interesting page: perhaps a link for Active Topics could be promininent on the login and/or home page?